Friday, April 1, 2011

Stressful events during pregnancy or after childbirth can cause postpartum depression

Postpartum depression

Post-partum depression , also known as postnatal or after baby birth depression, is a type of clinical depression, which could affect women  after the birth and sometime in men .Research  Studies report prevalence rate of women from 5 percent - 25 percent , but some methodological differences between studies make the exact prevalence is  not clear. The men, particularly new fathers, the incidence of post-partum depression is estimated at 1.2 percent and 25.5 percent . Postpartum depression occurs in women after they have children, usually during the first months, and can take up to several months or even it can take a year.Symptoms are sadness, fatigue, changes in sleeping and eating , decreased libido, crying spells, anxiety and irritability. Sometimes it is assumed that postpartum depression is caused by vitamins deficiency, but studies suggest that the causes are more likely to occur in significant changes in female hormones during pregnancy.

Birth of a child may trigger a jumble of thrills, excitement and joy to fear and anxiety. But it can also lead to something that you might not expect depression. Many new mothers experience the baby blues after giving birth, which usually include mood swings and crying and fade quickly. But some new mothers experience a more severe form of a long period of depression known as postpartum depression. Rarely, an extreme form of postpartum depression is known to give birth will develop psychosis after childbirth. post-partum depression is not a character defect or weakness. In some cases, post partum depression is simply a complication of childbirth. If you have postpartum depression, rapid treatment can help manage the symptoms - and enjoy your child.

References to post-partum depression for the year as the 4th century BC. However, already in consciousness, is not always recognized as a disease. As a result, postpartum depression is underdiagnosed. It is a disease that can be treated effectively. The first condition is diagnosed, the most effective treatment. It’s important to acknowledge and recognize the symptoms of postpartum depression itself or another as soon as possible. This can be difficult, because depression often have strong emotions and irrational fears. Mother may fear he will lose his mind or fear that others feel is unfit mother. Women with postpartum depression may feel bad mothers and be reluctant to seek help. It’s important to remember that hope and treatment are available to women who need them.

Causes and risk factors

The actual etiology of postpartum depression is unknown. One factor  can be changes in levels of female hormone that occur during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth. Furthermore, when the experience of having a child does not meet the expectations of the mother, the resulting stress can trigger depression. Studies have also examined the possible effects of maternal age, expectations of motherhood, birthing practices and the level of social support for the new mother. There postpartum depression trigger is expected that the result of many complex factors. It is important, however, communicate to women suffering from postpartum depression are not in themselves.

An obvious fact is that women have experienced depression before pregnancy are at higher  risk of postpartum depression. The women in this situation should be discussed with your doctor so that they can receive appropriate treatment if necessary. Moreover, it is estimated that 10%  - 35% of women experience a recurrence of postpartum depression. Amount of sick leave during pregnancy consultation and medical examinations can be warning signs. Women who have more doctor visits during pregnancy and which was also the day most patients were found to be more likely to develop postpartum depression. There is an increased risk in women who have undergone two or more abortions, or women who are past the maternity ward of complications. Other factors that increase the risk of postnatal depression is a severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS), a difficult relationship, there is no support network, stressful events during pregnancy or after childbirth.

Sign and symptoms according their types

The researchers identified three postpartum depressions:
Baby blues, postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis.
  • Baby blues is the mildest form of postpartum depression. It usually begins 1-3 days after birth and is characterized by weeping, irritability, insomnia, mood swings and the feeling of vulnerability. These blues may last for several weeks. It is estimated that 50 percent and 80 percent of mothers experience them.

  • Post-partum depression is a debilitating that the blues. Women who suffer from this condition of despair, crying, inadequacy, guilt, anxiety, irritability and fatigue. Physical symptoms include headaches, numbness, chest pain and hyperventilation. Postpartum depression can take a female child with ambivalence, negativity or disinterest. Negative impact on the bond between mother and child may result. Because this syndrome is still unclear and less studied, is generally less than reported.

  • Post-partum psychosis is a relatively rare disease. Symptoms include extreme confusion, fatigue, anxiety, mood, feelings of hopelessness and shame, hallucinations and rapid speech or mania.Research  Studies shows that it affects only one born in 1000.

Coping with postpartum depression

At first, remember that you are not alone  up 20% of new moms  experience this disorder . It is also important to remember that you were not responsible. Here are some suggestions for coping with the postpartum depression :
  • Focus on short term strategy rather than long term goals.
  • Build something strong to look forward every day as a promenade, a spa, a conversation with a friend for free or inexpensive activities, check with your local library, community center or place of worship .
  • Spend time with your partner and / or close friends .
  • Share your feelings and seek help, talk to your doctor and find a local support group .

If you think a friend or family member suffering from postpartum depression, your support and comfort. You may be able to direct them towards useful sources of information about postpartum depression. Facilitate the isolation they feel is an important step.

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