Friday, April 1, 2011

You should deal swiftly and quickly with symptoms of manic depressive disorder


There are many health problems that can affect people and all these can be very worrying. If you have ever suffered from a medical and is therefore very important that you speak with your doctor as soon as possible. Only a doctor can diagnose you and the right to propose a plan of attack. Manic depression is seen more than a joke of a serious illness. However, this condition is extremely serious and must be dealt with swiftly and quickly as possible. If treatment is not received immediately, this can lead to death. Depression is a problem that affects everyone from time to time, and it is quite normal to be sad at times. However, if you have a manic-depressive, which have depressed the whole time, this is a serious condition that must be addressed.

If you are trying to cope up with manic-depression and see that this will affect your whole life. You have to work hard to keep longer than a couple of weeks. You can also find really difficult to keep friends and keep yourself motivated. This is a very serious condition that can cause problems for all of you to touch. Anyone with manic depression seems no one can understand. This puts them in very bad faith and can even lead to suicide attempts. It's very important to pay attention to the symptoms of manic depression, so that you can take it as soon as possible. If you can catch before it would be easier to get the care that you so desperately need. In this article we will consider the extent of symptoms, so that you can learn to watch out for this.

Manic-depressive or bipolar disorder can affects both men and women. Although it may begin at any age, usually begins in late adolescence. Bipolar disorder is among the people of all ages, races, ethnicities and social classes. It seems to have a genetic link, and usually runs in the family. Unfortunately, also affect the life of the patient, the disease is also an opportunity to destroy the lives of nurses and their immediate family circle.

Mood swings are pretty common for people, especially when they feel under the weather or a certain time of month. However, if the mood swings are severe, then this could be due to manic-depressive. People suffering from manic depression will experience a very abrupt mood changes and sudden, it can be very stressful for people. You can be optimistic and then all of a sudden you lose the will to live. You might not understand what is happening to yourself and be able to do anything to control it, even though you know. This symptom can be very difficult to keep friends, because it is very easy to throw them out. It can cause them to lash out than to push the boys away without really matters. If the mood will change on a regular basis so this could be a sure fire sign that you are suffering from depression.

Another pretty common symptom of someone who suffers from manic-depression, sleep too little or too much sleep. Sometimes the person will be able to sleep at all and can spend all night got up and did nothing.

A mild to moderate mania known as hypomania. Hypomania could feel good to the individual who experiences it and can even be associated with good functioning and increased productivity. Thus even when family and friends try to learn to recognize the mood swings as possible in bipolar disorder, the person may deny that something is wrong. Without proper therapy, however, hypomania may become severe mania in few individuals or may switch into depression

Sometimes, In severe episodes of mania or depression are symptoms of psychosis (or psychotic symptoms). Common psychotic symptoms are hallucinations (hearing, seeing or feeling the presence of things not actually there) and delusions (false beliefs not influenced strongly by logical reasoning or explained by a person’s usual cultural concepts). Psychotic symptoms in bipolar disorder tend to reflect the extreme state of mind at the time. For example, delusions of grandeur, as a believer or a president has special powers or wealth, may occur during mania delusions of guilt or worthlessness, who believes that one is ruined and penniless or has committed a terrible crime may appear during depression. People with bipolar disorder who have these symptoms are sometimes incorrectly diagnosed as having schizophrenia, another severe mental illness. Some people with bipolar disorder become suicidal.

Symptoms of manic depression (as found in manic-depressive or bipolar disorder) is linked to the set of symptoms, which are opposite each other. One of these others, ups and downs. These symptoms can be found in a variety of continuous, mild or moderate to severe, both manic and depressive aspects.

National Institute of Mental Health lists many of the following symptoms.1 Manic Depression Manic disorder that is characterized by a high or manic manic half the episode includes the following:

Energy, activity and restlessness that are too high , too good mood , distractibility euphoria can not concentrate on one thought ran great and talk very quickly jump from one idea of a little more of sleep should be greater sexual desire of the poor spending sprees Court unrealistic beliefs in their abilities and skills Provocative extreme irritability, aggressive behavior or intrusive or abuse of drugs, particularly cocaine, alcohol and drugs for sleep.

The symptoms of bipolar disorder with very low or depressed by the onset manic-depressive illness are mood lasting feelings sad, anxious or empty of hopelessness or pessimism of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness or loss of interest or pleasure in activities previously known, with a decrease in sexual energy, feeling tired or being slowed down .Difficulty in  concentrating, remembering, making decisions Restlessness or irritability Sleeping too much or can not sleep, Change in appetite and loss of unintentional weight  gain, or chronic pain or persistent physical symptoms are not caused by disease or injury,some thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts

In the mixed state of manic-depression , symptoms of mania and depression occur simultaneously. The person may experience the following symptoms: sleep disturbance concerns a significant change in appetite, psychosis, suicidal thoughts have a very sad, hopeless mood while at the same time, they feel very happy

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