Friday, April 1, 2011

Dawn stimulation has also proved in seasonal affective disorder treatment

Seasonal affective disorder treatment

Weather conditions often influence people's moods.  Sunlight through the clouds can lift our spirits, while in  a dull, rainy day can make us feel a little dark. Although significant, in general, these mood changes do not affect our ability to cope with everyday life. Some people, however, are vulnerable to a type of depression that follows a seasonal cycle. For them, the days start getting shorter end of the fall of a type of clinical depression that can last until spring. This condition is called Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. A mild form of SAD, often referred to as a malaise winter blues cause, but is not disabling. But the winter blues may be misleading and some people have a rare form of SAD is summer depression. This condition usually begins in late spring or early summer.

Awareness for this mental disorder has existed for over 150 years, but it has been recognized as a disease in the early 1980s. Many people with SAD could  not be aware that it exists or help is available. Seasonal Affective Disorder could be a debilitating condition that prevents the disease to function normally. It can affect their personal and professional life and limit their opportunities. It is more important to learn about the symptoms and know there is treatment for helping the people with Seasonal Affective Disorder all year to live productive lives.

If you are depressed for a long period in autumn and winter, when sleep and appetite change radically, it was thought of suicide, you should seek professional help, for example your family doctor. There is an effective treatment for SAD. Even people in severe symptoms can get help quickly   when starting treatment.

There are several different treatment methods for classic (winter-based) seasonal affective depressive disorder, including light therapy, medication, ionized-air management, cognitive-behavioral therapy and carefully timed the completion of the hormone melatonin. Photoperiod associated changes in the duration of melatonin secretion may be affected by seasonal cycles of the mood of SAD. This suggests that light therapy can be an effective treatment for SAD. Light therapy uses light table, which sends a lot of lumens of conventional incandescent lamp. Brilliant White Full Spectrum light 10,000 lux, a blue light with a wavelength of 480 nm, 2500 lux, or a green light at a wavelength of 500 nm, 350 lux is used, is the first historically preferred.

Light therapy

Light therapy is effective in the patient sitting on a prescribed distance, usually 30 to 60 cm in front of the box with his eyes open but not looking at the source of light for 30 to 60 minutes. A 1995 research studies showed that green light therapy with doses of 350 lux producing melatonin suppression and phase shift corresponds to 10,000 lux bright light therapy for winter depression. A study published in May 2010 suggest that blue light often used to treat SAD might be replaced by a light green or white. Discover the best time is crucial. One study showed that up to 69 percent of patients find a treatment of lightbox difficult and no less than 19 percent stop using this. So , the new LED technology to light therapy more convnient. LED SAD light is much smaller and require the half-life compared to traditional fluorescent lamps light .

Dawn stimulation has also proved effective in some research studies, there is a 83 percent better response compared with bright light therapy. Compared with a study of negative air ionization, the light has been shown that 57 percent effective against the palette of the stimulation of 50 percent. Patients using light therapy can experience improvement during the first week, but the results are evident when continued throughout several weeks. Most studies have found it effective without use year round, but rather as a seasonal treatment for several weeks until the light exposure is often obtained naturally. Light therapy may also be in the sun, either by spending more time outdoors or with a computer-controlled heliostats to reflect sunlight into the windows of a house or office.

Medication therapy

SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressants has proven effectiveness in treating Seasonal Affective Disorder. Bupropion is also an effective measure of prevention. Effective antidepressants are fluoxetine, sertraline or other drug paroxetine.Both therapies , fluoxetine and bright light therapy are 67 percent effective in treating Seasonal Affective Disorder , according to direct head to head tests in 2006 Can-SAD  research study. Arguments for the use of light therapy protocol was previously clinical improvement, usually within a week at the beginning of clinical care. negative air ionization, which is released by the charged particles will sleep on the environment has been discovered that an effective improvement and 47.9 percent if negative ions are sufficient density (volume). Depending on a patient care (eg lightbox) may be used in conjunction with another (eg, drugs). Modafinil may be effective and well tolerated therapy for patients with seasonal mood disorder / winter depression.

Alfred J. Lewy Oregon Health Science University and others study for the  causes of SAD to see  as the misalignment of the phase of sleep wake with circadian body clock out of sync, and can melatonin in the afternoon. Properly timed melatonin administration moves to the rhythms of various hormones as a whole. Another explanation is that vitamin D levels are too low, when people do not get enough of the UV-B on the skin. Ability to use lights to take supplements of vitamin D. However, one study found no link with vitamin D and depression in Chinese elderly.

Weather conditions often influence people's moods.  Sunlight through the clouds can lift our spirits, while in  a dull, rainy day can make us feel a little dark. Although significant, in general, these mood changes do not affect our ability to cope with everyday life. Some people, however, are vulnerable to a type of depression that follows a seasonal cycle. For them, the days start getting shorter end of the fall of a type of clinical depression that can last until spring. This condition is called Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. A mild form of SAD, often referred to as a malaise winter blues cause, but is not disabling. But the winter blues may be misleading and some people have a rare form of SAD is summer depression. This condition often start  in late spring or  in early summer.


Psychotherapy is another best option for the treatment of seasonal affective disorder. Although seasonal affective disorder ( SAD ) is believed to be related to biochemical processes, mood and behavior may also add to these symptoms. Psychotherapy may help you for identify and  for changing negative thoughts and attitudes that can make you feel bad. You may also learn  some healthy ways to cope in seasonal affective disorder ( SAD ) and in  stress management.

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